Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shoul Huck Finn e thought at CHS?

Malissa Reid
December 12, 2007

Should Huck Finn be thought at CHS?

I believe that Huck Finn should not be taught at CHS. Many of the students who attend this school are fairly mature. Although students enjoy this book, I think the author specks negative towards the government, use racist slings, and can also be influencing at times.

As young adults we tend to look up to our older siblings, friends, and even our counter parts. Huck Finn was a young boy who would smoke when an adult wasn’t around. Society is not prefect and many adults and children smoke. Kids may think that smoking isn’t a bad thing, and some may do it because of peer pressure, or even because they think it’s cool.

During the 1800s many of the Southern, and Northern states were segregated. In this book the author tend to use the word nigger very often. Now if someone in the 1800s were to read this book they would find some of the many responses very racist.

No matter how much we complain about the government, there is nothing we could do to change it, and if we do it would be very hard. In chapter 6 Pap speck very negative about the government because they are going to give Mrs. Watson custody of Huck. So pap believed that the government was ridiculous.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Dear Reader,

In english class we had to choose one of our favorite essays that we wrote. I chose my essay about "Graduation 2011". I chose this essay because I think that I really used some great transitions and I really have a great sentence structure. When you read this essay I would like for you to really focus and pay close attention to my transitions and sentence structure.

Malissa Reid
October 22, 2007
English 1
Graduation 2011

How many freshmen’s here believe that they are going to be High School graduates, and soon college freshmen’s in 2011? Are you really going to be a graduate based on your academic skills you perform in this course of your life? There are many ways that you can accomplish your goals, before it’s to late.

One thing that may help you accomplish your goals is determination. As responsible citizens of the United States we will have to be employed. In order for us to succeed in life we would have to first receive our high school diploma, which will help us to getting into a good college. Once we get into college we would have an opportunity to study the course that we wish to, find a law firm that I could be apart of, and then maybe expand and run my own law firm, where I can have people working for me or even with me.

I also believe I am going to be a graduate in 2011 because this is a great learning environment, and there are many different ways to learn. Some people like to learn by seeing videos, reading lectures, and other like to learn by doing activities. In history class we have been learning about how humans act in society, by doing several activities. Some of the activities we’ve used were the balloon experiment; they gods must be crazy, and the plane experiment. There are activities where you could learn but also have fun, and many students enjoyed them.

To obtain my goal for the future I am going to perform academically in High School and receive my diploma in 2011, what about you?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Georgia`s Photo

A.Georgia is posing with her hand on the tip of the hat that she is wearing.
B.Georigia could have been feeling a little goofy at the time.
C.May it was taken to be posted om myspace.
D.This photo could be titled as, "Georgia`s Silly Expresssions".

Philosophy of Government 2

The constitution provides security for government officals, such as the president. During an activity event in class citizens (students) were tring to impeach president Khalia Thompson because she disagreed in banding the ichip. Article II section 4 of the Constitution states, "The president, Vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misemeanors". Citizens were not able to impeach president Khalia because she didn`t commit treason, bribery, or any misdemeanors, however many citizens were not satisfied with the results.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I personally believe that there should be certain limitations to the applications that we can access. As teenagers or myspace accountants many of us believe that myspace shoundn`t be blocked, however face book is not blocked, which I don`t understand because neither of them are educational. These sites should only be blocked on the school district computers, because some people don`t have home computers.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Philosophy Of Government

I agree with Locke because, I believe that there should be limitations to society. However I do not believe that humans are poor and brutal. Many humans act differently to situations that occur in society.